Posterior Probability of gEffectiveh Depends on the Power of the Test
High power test gives you more information than low power test
Yasuharu Okamoto, 2017/6
When we find that the result of the statistical
test is significant, the prior probability of gEffectiveh changes to the
posterior probability. The way how the prior probability changes to the
posterior one depends on the power of the test, which can be described by the
Bayesian approach.
Table 1 shows prior probabilities of gEffectiveh
and gNot effectiveh, and probabilities of gSignificanth and gNot significanth
under the condition gEffectiveh, or under the condition gNot effectiveh (Null
Table 1
Probabilities of gEffectiveh, gSignificanth, and gNot significanth. |
Significant (+) |
Not significant (-) |
Effective: |
Power: |
Type II error: |
Not effective: |
Type I error: |
Accept Null Hypoth.: |
The posterior probability can be calculated as conditional
probability as follows:
Notice that when
holds, we have
In this case, the posterior probability does not change
after we find that the result of the test is significant. Condition (1) holds
when the probability distributions for the null hypothesis and alternative one
is the same.
Figure 1 shows graphs of as a function of
for various powers
s of tests.
The blue curve represents the graph for power 0.9, the dotted red curve
represents the graph for power 0.06, and so on.
Figure 1
When the power of the test is high, the posterior
probability increases more than for the test of low
power from the prior probability
Test of high power gives you more information also in the
case that the result of the test is not significant.
The posterior probability conditional that the results of the test
is not significant is this.
When the condition
holds, as in the case of significant result, we have
That is, not significant result of the test
does not change the probability of gh.
Curves in Figure 2 show relations of
posterior probability and prior probability
for various powers of
The blue curve represents the relation for power 0.9, the
dotted red curve represents the relation for power 0.06, and so on. Amount of
the change from the prior probability to the posterior probability
depends on the power of the test. When
the power is high, i.e. 0.9, the difference between the prior and posterior
probabilities is large. For the test of low power, i.e., 0.06, the difference
between the prior and posterior probabilities is negligible.
When the power is high, we can get more information from the
result of the test, i.e. the change in probability of hypothesis gh is large, but
test of low power would give you little information as to the probability of hypothesis
The script for Figure 1 is this.
matplotlib.pyplot as plt
numpy as np
P_after( g, a, b ):
return g * (1 -b) / (g * (1
- b - a) + a)
= np.arange(0, 1.001, 0.01)
= [ 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.94 ]
= []
i in range(5):
v in x:
for i in range(5):
t =
P_after( v, 0.05, b[i] )
y[0], 'b-')
y[1], 'b--')
y[2], 'g-')
y[3], 'g--')
y[4], 'r:')
1], [0, 1], 'k--')
'0.8', '0.5', '0.2', '0.06', 'y = x'], loc = 4)
of "Effective" conditional on "Significant"')
The script for Figure 2 is this.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def P_after_n( g, a, b ):
return g * b / (g * (b + a -
1) + (1 - a))
x = np.arange(0, 1.001, 0.01)
b = [ 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.94 ]
y = []
for i in range(5):
for v in x:
for i in range(5):
t =
P_after_n( v, 0.05, b[i] )
plt.plot(x, y[0], 'b-')
plt.plot(x, y[1], 'b--')
plt.plot(x, y[2], 'g-')
plt.plot(x, y[3], 'g--')
plt.plot(x, y[4], 'r:')
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')
plt.legend(['0.9', '0.8', '0.5',
'0.2', '0.06', 'y = x'], loc = 2)
plt.title('Probablity of
"Effective" conditional on "Not Significant"')
plt.ylabel('P(Effective|Not Sig.)')
The files of these scripts are archived in ZIP file