
Digital Clock

Tkinter, Frame, Canvas


Script for displaying a digital clock as shown in Figure 1 is shown in listing 1

Figure 1


Listing 1 Script for displaying a digital clock shown in Figure 1.


import tkinter as tk

from datetime import datetime


root = tk.Tk()


def f_close(event):



frame = tk.Frame(root)


button = tk.Button(frame, text = 'Close')

button.grid(row = 0, column = 10, padx = 5, sticky = 'e')

button.bind('<Button-1>', f_close)


canvas = tk.Canvas(frame, bg = '#ffffff', width = 800, height = 400)

canvas.grid(row = 1, columnspan = 11, rowspan = 1)



canvas.create_text(400, 200, text = ' ', font = ('Gothic', 100), tags = 'mytext')


def check_time():

    now = datetime.now()

    s = '{0:0>2d}:{1:0>2d}:{2:0>2d}'.format(now.hour, now.minute, now.second)

    canvas.itemconfig('mytext', text = s)

    root.after(100, check_time)





Run the script in listing 1, then the digital clock shown in Figure 1 is displayed.

The time displayed is updated by the following code.

root.after(100, check_time)

This code set the function check_time to be called after 100 msec.

Click on the button Close at the upper right, then the function f_close is called. This binding of the event click and the function f_close is set by the following code.

button.bind('<Button-1>', f_close)

The function f_close is set as follows:

def f_close(event):



Running the program ends by executing code root.destroy().

