
Estimation of the mean, median, and mode of a posterior distribution from MCMC sampling


The mean, median, and mode are representative statistics of a distribution. In the case of a distribution of MCMC sampling, mean and median can be given by numpy functions mean() and percentile(). For the mode, we can estimate it by KDE estimation as follows


    Lp, Up = np.percentile(samples, [100 * a/2, 100 * (1 - a/2)])  # import numpy as np

    coord = np.linspace(Lp, Up, n_points) 

    est_pdf = ss.gaussian_kde(samples).pdf(coord)  # import scipy.stats as ss

    map_idx = np.argmax(est_pdf) 

    MAP_Est = coord[map_idx]       


An example of Python script, which estimate the mean, median, and mode (the mode here is called MAP (maximum a posteriori) estimate), is shown in Listing 1.

The function CalcMAPEst returns the mode, i.e. the MAP estimate for a sample from the posterior distribution.

The data is given as a list object in the script as follows.


data = [57, 30, 34, 59, 63, 26, 60, 58, 34, 56]


this data is analyzed by a univariate normal distribution model using the Stan script, which is given as a string object in the script as follows.


UniVarNormStan = """

    data {

        int N;

        real Data[N];


    parameters {

        real mu;

        real<lower = 0.0> sgm;


    model {

        mu ~ normal(0.0, 1000.0);

        sgm ~ exponential(0.001);

        for (i in 1:N) {

            Data[i] ~ normal(mu, sgm);





After MCMC sampling, the results are displayed as in Figure 1.

Figure 1


Means, medians, and modes are shown in the Figure.



Listing 1


import numpy as np

import pystan

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sb

import scipy.stats as ss



#       The MAP estimate, i.e.,the mode of a posterior distribution


def CalcMAPEst(samples, a = 0.05, n_points = 10000):


        Calculatte a MAP estimate from a KDE graph on [Lp, Up]

        Lp and Up are 100*a/2 and 100(1-a/2) percentile points of samples


    Lp, Up = np.percentile(samples, [100 * a/2, 100 * (1 - a/2)])  # import numpy as np

    coord = np.linspace(Lp, Up, n_points) 

    est_pdf = ss.gaussian_kde(samples).pdf(coord)  # import scipy.stats as ss

    map_idx = np.argmax(est_pdf) 

    MAP_Est = coord[map_idx]       

    return MAP_Est, est_pdf[map_idx]




#       Univariate Normal Distribution Model


UniVarNormStan = """

    data {

        int N;

        real Data[N];


    parameters {

        real mu;

        real<lower = 0.0> sgm;


    model {

        mu ~ normal(0.0, 1000.0);

        sgm ~ exponential(0.001);

        for (i in 1:N) {

            Data[i] ~ normal(mu, sgm);





data = [57, 30, 34, 59, 63, 26, 60, 58, 34, 56]


sm = pystan.StanModel(model_code = UniVarNormStan)


fit = sm.sampling(data = {'Data':data, 'N':len(data)},

                  n_jobs = 1)    #   The parameter n_jobs = 1 is for Windows



fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12, 3))


mean_mu = fit['mu'].mean()

med_mu = np.percentile(fit['mu'], 50)

map_mu, max_v = CalcMAPEst(fit['mu'])


plt.title('Posterior Distribution of $\mu$')

sb.kdeplot(fit['mu'], clip=np.percentile(fit['mu'], [2.5, 97.5]))

plt.plot([map_mu, map_mu], [0.0, max_v], label = f'Mode({map_mu:.2f})')

plt.plot([med_mu, med_mu], [0.0, max_v], label = f'Median({med_mu:.2f})')

plt.plot([mean_mu, mean_mu], [0.0, max_v], label = f'Mean({mean_mu:.2f})')



mean_sgm = fit['sgm'].mean()

med_sgm = np.percentile(fit['sgm'], 50)

map_sgm, max_v = CalcMAPEst(fit['sgm'])


plt.title('Posterior Distribution of $\sigma$')

sb.kdeplot(fit['sgm'], clip=np.percentile(fit['sgm'], [2.5, 97.5]))

plt.plot([map_sgm, map_sgm], [0.0, max_v], label = f'Mode({map_sgm:.2f})')

plt.plot([med_sgm, med_sgm], [0.0, max_v], label = f'Median({med_sgm:.2f})')

plt.plot([mean_sgm, mean_sgm], [0.0, max_v], label = f'Mean({mean_sgm:.2f})')







