



別のサイトで説明しているL'Ecuyer の方法による乱数は、周期が約と長い。乱数を用いるシミュレーションの場合、乱数生成に掛かる時間よりも、生成した乱数に基づいて行われる計算時間の方が長いことが多い。また、周期が長いと、乱数生成の系列を適当に分割して、独立した複数の乱数生成系列を容易に得ることができる。このことについては本ウェブサイトの後半で説明する。

L'Ecuyer の方法による乱数の周期の長さをコンピュータ上での実行時間の長さで調べるため以下のPythonプログラムを作成した。


================= CheckTime.py ================

from datetime import datetime

from RNGen import RNp2to191 as MyRN         #   A random number generator class


def get_MicroSec():


            Timer in microsecond


    now = datetime.now()

    return now.microsecond + 1000000.0 * (now.second + 60.0 * (now.minute \

                            + 60.0 * now.hour))


rn = MyRN()

t0 = get_MicroSec()


for v in range(2**20):

    v = rn.uni()


t1 = get_MicroSec();

print("(2**20): ", t1 - t0, "microseconds")

s = 1000000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0 * 365.0

v = ((t1 - t0) * (2**191) / (2**20)) / s

print("(2**191): ", v, "years")

w = ((t1 - t0) * (2**100) / (2**20)) / s

print("(2**100): ", w, "years")

u = ((t1 - t0) * (2**50) / (2**20)) / s

print("(2**50): ", u, "years")












from RNGen import RNp2to191 as MyRN


rn_1 = MyRN()

rn_2 = MyRN()


rn_3 = MyRN()



print("{0:<20}{1:20}{2:20}".format('rn_1', 'rn_2', 'rn_3'))

for i in range(10):

    print("{0:<20.15f}{1:<20.15f}{2:<20.15f}".format(rn_1.uni(), rn_2.uni(), rn_3.uni()))







============== RNGen.py =====================

import math



#                    A progtram purely in Python

#                               of

#        Pierre L'Ecuyer's algorithm of random number generation


#                                       Yasuharu Okamoto,2016.09


#        cf. R. L. Eubank and A. Kupresanin (2012). "Statistical computing in C++ and R".



class RNp2to191:

    c209 = 2**32 - 209

    c22853 = 2**32 - 22853


    def __init__(self,*t):

        if (len(t) == 0):

            self.x10 = 3

            self.x11 = 2

            self.x12 = 1

            self.x20 = 6

            self.x21 = 5

            self.x22 = 4


            if (len(t) != 6):

                print("len(t) = %d"%(len(t)))

                raise "Number of parameters Error !"


                self.x10 = t[0]

                self.x11 = t[1]

                self.x12 = t[2]

                self.x20 = t[3]

                self.x21 = t[4]

                self.x22 = t[5]



    #       Uniform distribution, 0 < uni() < 1


    def uni(self):

        tx1 = (1403580 * self.x11 - 810728 * self.x12) % RNp2to191.c209

        self.x12 = self.x11

        self.x11 = self.x10

        self.x10 = tx1

        tx2 = (527612 * self.x20 - 1370589 * self.x22) % RNp2to191.c22853

        self.x22 = self.x21

        self.x21 = self.x20

        self.x20 = tx2


        z = (self.x10 - self.x20) % RNp2to191.c209

        if (z > 0):

            return z / (RNp2to191.c209 + 1.0)


            return RNp2t0191.c209 / (RNp2to191.c209 + 1.0)



    #       Jump over 2**n numbers to be generated


    def jump(self, n):

        if (n > 0):

            A = [[0, 1403580, -810728],

                 [1, 0, 0],

                 [0, 1, 0]]

            B = [[527612, 0, -1370589],

                 [1, 0, 0],

                 [0, 1, 0]]

            C = [[0, 0, 0],

                 [0, 0, 0],

                 [0, 0, 0]]

            for i in range(0, n):

                for j in range(0, 3):

                    for k in range(0, 3):

                        tv = 0

                        for h in range(0, 3):

                            tv = tv + A[j][h] * A[h][k]

                        C[j][k] = tv

                for j in range(0, 3):

                    for k in range(0, 3):

                        A[j][k] = C[j][k] % RNp2to191.c209


                for j in range(0, 3):

                    for k in range(0, 3):

                        tv = 0

                        for h in range(0, 3):

                            tv = tv + B[j][h] * B[h][k]

                        C[j][k] = tv

                for j in range(0, 3):

                    for k in range(0, 3):

                        B[j][k] = C[j][k] % RNp2to191.c22853


            t0 = A[0][0] * self.x10 + A[0][1] * self.x11 + A[0][2] * self.x12

            t1 = A[1][0] * self.x10 + A[1][1] * self.x11 + A[1][2] * self.x12

            t2 = A[2][0] * self.x10 + A[2][1] * self.x11 + A[2][2] * self.x12

            self.x10 = t0 % RNp2to191.c209

            self.x11 = t1 % RNp2to191.c209

            self.x12 = t2 % RNp2to191.c209

            t0 = B[0][0] * self.x20 + B[0][1] * self.x21 + B[0][2] * self.x22

            t1 = B[1][0] * self.x20 + B[1][1] * self.x21 + B[1][2] * self.x22

            t2 = B[2][0] * self.x20 + B[2][1] * self.x21 + B[2][2] * self.x22

            self.x20 = t0 % RNp2to191.c22853

            self.x21 = t1 % RNp2to191.c22853

            self.x22 = t2 % RNp2to191.c22853



    #             Standard Normal Distribution

    #       Rejection polar method for normal variate


    def normal(self):

        w = 0.0

        v1 = 0.0

        while True:

            v1 = 2.0 * self.uni() - 1.0

            v2 = 2.0 * self.uni() - 1.0

            w = (v1 ** 2.0) + (v2 ** 2.0)

            if ((w < 1.0) and (w > 0.0)):


        c = math.sqrt(-2.0 * math.log(w) / w)


        return c * v1




    #       Normal Distribution of mean m  and standard deviation s


    def normalMS(self, m, s):

        return s * self.normal() + m




    #       A Pair of Independent Random Numbers of

    #          the Standard Normal Distribution


    def normalPair(self):

        w = 0.0

        v1 = 0.0

        v2 = 0.0

        while True:

            v1 = 2.0 * self.uni() - 1.0

            v2 = 2.0 * self.uni() - 1.0

            w = (v1 ** 2.0) + (v2 ** 2.0)

            if ((w < 1.0) and (w > 0.0)):


        c = math.sqrt(-2.0 * math.log(w) / w)


        return c * v1, c * v2





