
Using Stan (PyStan 3) in Python


Stan is a famous library for Bayesian analysis, and PyStan is the Python interface for Stan. PyStan can be easily installed using Anaconda. How to install Anaconda and PyStan is explained at this website and at that one.

The sample scripts shown below were executed with PyStan 3.9.1 in Python 3.11 virtual environment in Anaconda on Ubuntu installed on Windows.


Sample scripts were prepared for a univariate normal distribution model and a bivariate normal one. Files used at the website were compressed into the file filesPS3.zip, which can be downloaded and from which the files can be extracted, freely.



Univariate Normal Distribution Model



Stan script is written in a string form, and used as the first argument of the Stan build function. But, the string can be given as a return value of a file read function.

In the following, in the first example, Stan script is given as a string in a Python script, and in the second example, Stan script is given in a separate file from the Python script file.



Stan script in the Python script


Listing 1 shows an example of PyStan 3 script for a univariate normal distribution model.



Listing 1.  Stan script for univariate normal distribution (OneVar.stan)


import stan

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

import arviz as az


OneVar_code = """

data {

        int<lower=0> J;

        array[J] real y;


parameters {

        real vmu;

        real<lower=0> vsigma;


transformed parameters {

        //        Rescaling of vmu and vsigma

        real mu;

        real sigma;

        mu = vmu * 1000.0;

        sigma = vsigma * 1000.0 + 0.001;


model {

        vmu ~ normal(0.0, 1.0);

        vsigma ~ exponential(1.0);

        y ~ normal(mu, sigma);




LData =  [ 44, 44, 56, 59, 44, 44, 63, 60, 34, 58,

           55, 50, 32, 61, 47, 25, 38, 47, 30, 42]


OneVar_dat = { 'J' : len(LData), 'y': LData }


sm = stan.build(OneVar_code, data=OneVar_dat)

fit = sm.sample()


#     InferenceData class


infdata = az.from_pystan(posterior = fit, posterior_model = sm)


summary = az.summary(infdata, var_names=['mu', 'sigma'])

print('\nSummary...\n', summary)


az.plot_trace(infdata, var_names=['mu', 'sigma'])




#      Pandas DataFrame


dframe = fit.to_frame()


#      Calculation of median based-summaries,

#      which are recommended by Gelman et al.(2021)


mu_med = np.median(dframe['mu'])

mu_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['mu'] - mu_med))

print(f'\nmu_med = {mu_med:.3f},   mu_mad_sd = {mu_mad_sd:.3f}')

sigma_med = np.median(dframe['sigma'])

sigma_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['sigma'] - sigma_med))

print(f'sigma_med = {sigma_med:.3f},   sigma_mad_sd = {sigma_mad_sd:.3f}')



The Stan script is given as a string OneVar_code.

To set weak prior distributios, the parameters are rescaled as follows:


real mu;

real sigma;

mu = vmu * 1000.0;

sigma = vsigma * 1000.0 + 0.001;


The Stan script is used in the following build function:


sm = stan.build(OneVar_code, data=OneVar_dat)


MCMC sampling is run by the following code:


fit = sm.sample()


To analyze the MCMC sample, the result fit by sm.sample() is transformed to InferenceData and DataFrame class objects as follows:


infdata = az.from_pystan(posterior = fit, posterior_model = sm)




dframe = fit.to_frame()


Using infdata, summary statistics are calculated and shown on the terminal by the following scripts:


summary = az.summary(infdata, var_names=['mu', 'sigma'])

print('\nSummary...\n', summary)


Summary statistics are shown as follows:



          mean     sd  hdi_3%  hdi_97%  mcse_mean  mcse_sd  ess_bulk  ess_tail  r_hat

mu     46.627  2.638  41.400   51.518      0.045    0.032    3542.0    2778.0    1.0

sigma  11.949  2.124   8.274   15.682      0.053    0.038    1677.0    2042.0    1.0


Trace plot is shown by the following script:


az.plot_trace(infdata, var_names=['mu', 'sigma'])




We get trace plot as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1



Since dframe is a Pandas DataFrame, a sample from the posterior distribution for parameter mu is obtained by dframe['mu'].

From this, we can calculate the median and the median absolute deviation(MAD). Gelman et al. (2021, p.73) recommend median-based summaries, instead of the mean. They use mad sd, which replaces sd. mad sd is given by



Note that


Medians and mad sds for parameters mu and sigma are calculated by the following script:


mu_med = np.median(dframe['mu'])

mu_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['mu'] - mu_med))

print(f'\nmu_med = {mu_med:.3f},   mu_mad_sd = {mu_mad_sd:.3f}')

sigma_med = np.median(dframe['sigma'])

sigma_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['sigma'] - sigma_med))

print(f'sigma_med = {sigma_med:.3f},   sigma_mad_sd = {sigma_mad_sd:.3f}')


The following messages are displayed on the terminal.


mu_med = 46.677,   mu_mad_sd = 2.733

sigma_med = 11.697,   sigma_mad_sd = 1.995




Stan script and Python script are in separate files


The Stan script can be written in a file other than in the Python script file. The Stan script of the Python script in Listing 1 is extracted and constructed as the file named OneVar.stan, which is shown in Listing 2.



Listing 2.  The Stan script extracted from Listing 1 (OneVar.stan)


data {

        int<lower=0> J;

        array[J] real y;


parameters {

        real vmu;

        real<lower=0> vsigma;


transformed parameters {

        //          Rescaling of vmu and vsigma

        real mu;

        real sigma;

        mu = vmu * 1000.0;

        sigma = vsigma * 1000.0 + 0.001;


model {

        vmu ~ normal(0.0, 1.0);

        vsigma ~ exponential(1.0);

        y ~ normal(mu, sigma);




To use the file OneVar.stan, the python script in Listing 1 was rewritten as shown in Listing3.



Listing 3.  The Python script, which uses the Stan script file OneVar.stan of Listing 2.


import stan

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

import arviz as az



LData =  [ 44, 44, 56, 59, 44, 44, 63, 60, 34, 58,

           55, 50, 32, 61, 47, 25, 38, 47, 30, 42]


OneVar_dat = { 'J' : len(LData), 'y': LData }

with open('OneVar.stan', 'r') as f_stan:

    sm = stan.build(f_stan.read(), data=OneVar_dat)

fit = sm.sample()



#           InferenceData class


infdata = az.from_pystan(posterior = fit, posterior_model = sm)


summary = az.summary(infdata, var_names=['mu', 'sigma'])

print('\nSummary...\n', summary)


az.plot_trace(infdata, var_names=['mu', 'sigma'])




#      Pandas DataFrame


dframe = fit.to_frame()


#      Calculation of median based-summaries,

#      which are recommended by Gelman et al.(2021)


mu_med = np.median(dframe['mu'])

mu_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['mu'] - mu_med))

print(f'\nmu_med = {mu_med:.3f},   mu_mad_sd = {mu_mad_sd:.3f}')

sigma_med = np.median(dframe['sigma'])

sigma_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['sigma'] - sigma_med))

print(f'sigma_med = {sigma_med:.3f},   sigma_mad_sd = {sigma_mad_sd:.3f}')



The script in Listing 3 is the same as in Listing 1, except it uses the Stan script file OneVar.stan.

In the script in Listing 3, the build function is called as follows:


with open('OneVar.stan', 'r') as f_stan:

    sm = stan.build(f_stan.read(), data=OneVar_dat)


The Stan script is read in from the file, so the stan script code OneVar_code in Listing 1 is removed. The other parts in Listing 3 are the same as ones in Listing 1.




Bivariate Normal Distribution Model


Stan script for a bivariate normal model is shown in Listing 4.


Listing 4.  Stan script for a bivariate normal model (TwoVarNormal.stan)


data {

        int N;

        array[N] vector[2] Data;

        real l1;

        real u1;

        real l2;

        real u2;

        real sgm_l1;

        real sgm_u1;

        real sgm_l2;

        real sgm_u2;


parameters {

        real<lower = l1, upper = u1> mu1;

        real<lower = l2, upper = u2> mu2;

        real<lower = sgm_l1, upper = sgm_u1> sgm1;

        real<lower = sgm_l2, upper = sgm_u2> sgm2;

        real<lower = -1.0, upper = 1.0> r;


transformed parameters {

        vector[2] mu;

        matrix[2, 2] cov;

        mu[1] = mu1;

        mu[2] = mu2; 

        cov[1][1] = sgm1 * sgm1;

        cov[1][2] = sgm1 * sgm2 * r;

        cov[2][1] = sgm1 * sgm2 * r;

        cov[2][2] = sgm2 * sgm2;


model {

        for (i in 1:N){

                Data[i] ~ multi_normal(mu, cov);





Prior distributions are given as weakly informative ones (Gelman et al. 2014, p. 55). They are set as uniform distributions, whose ranges depend on statistics of the data.

The stan script in Listing 4 is used by the Python script in Listing 5.



Listing 5.  Python script which uses the Stan script in Listing 4 


import numpy as np

import stan

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import arviz as az


Data = [

 [179, 121], [185, 89], [181, 106], [210, 100], [202, 104],

 [197, 91], [227, 107], [208, 101], [188, 99], [189, 112],

 [240, 111], [203, 103], [202, 85], [190, 95], [221, 96],

 [150, 83], [205, 103], [177, 90], [221, 92], [172, 86],

 [190, 87], [218, 101], [205, 100], [208, 120], [224, 98],

 [199, 116], [203, 96], [213, 91], [200, 109], [190, 100],

 [211, 115], [204, 85], [185, 92], [178, 86], [231, 122],

 [206, 84], [197, 93], [236, 93], [213, 106], [205, 103],

 [212, 102], [177, 86], [193, 96], [183, 93], [204, 87],

 [203, 108], [203, 103], [180, 100], [196, 101], [167, 75],

 [202, 106], [182, 98], [225, 109], [219, 115], [205, 102],

 [200, 99], [219, 94], [189, 102], [220, 86], [186, 102],

 [203, 101], [210, 124], [254, 103], [208, 95], [192, 106],

 [176, 91], [173, 97], [195, 100], [189, 98], [220, 115],

 [202, 112], [257, 108], [207, 104], [199, 96], [173, 98],

 [230, 101], [230, 111], [212, 105], [196, 82], [183, 82],

 [230, 103], [207, 112], [225, 101], [192, 104], [175, 83],

 [223, 105], [192, 106], [202, 87], [204, 87], [184, 97],

 [193, 94], [204, 109], [196, 92], [216, 109], [219, 113],

 [256, 117], [210, 86], [217, 103], [206, 87], [213, 105] ]


mu = np.mean(Data, axis = 0)

print('mu =\n', mu)

cov = np.cov(np.array(Data).T)

print('cov =\n', cov)

sgms = [cov[0][0]**0.5, cov[1][1]**0.5]

print('sgm =\n', sgms)


L1 = mu[0] - 5 * sgms[0]

U1 = mu[0] + 5 * sgms[0]

L2 = mu[1] - 5 * sgms[1]

U2 = mu[1] + 5 * sgms[1]

sgm_L1 = 0.0

sgm_U1 = 10 * sgms[0]

sgm_L2 = 0.0

sgm_U2 = 10 * sgms[1]


stan_data = {'N': len(Data), 'Data': Data, 'l1': L1, 'u1': U1, 'l2': L2, 'u2': U2,

                        'sgm_l1': sgm_L1, 'sgm_u1': sgm_U1,

                        'sgm_l2': sgm_L2, 'sgm_u2': sgm_U2}


with open('TwoVarNormal.stan', 'r') as f_stan:

        sm = stan.build(f_stan.read(), data=stan_data)

fit = sm.sample()


#           InferenceData class


infdata = az.from_pystan(posterior = fit, posterior_model = sm)

summary = az.summary(infdata,var_names=['mu1', 'mu2',  'sgm1', 'sgm2', 'r'])

print('\nSummary...\n', summary)


az.plot_trace(infdata, var_names=['mu1', 'mu2',  'sgm1', 'sgm2', 'r'],





#      Pandas DataFrame


dframe = fit.to_frame()


#      Calculation of median based-summaries,

#      which are recommended by Gelman et al.(2021)

mu1_med = np.median(dframe['mu1'])

mu1_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['mu1'] - mu1_med))

print(f'\nmu1_med = {mu1_med:.3f},   mu1_mad_sd = {mu1_mad_sd:.3f}')

mu2_med = np.median(dframe['mu2'])

mu2_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['mu2'] - mu2_med))

print(f'mu2_med = {mu2_med:.3f},   mu2_mad_sd = {mu2_mad_sd:.3f}')

sgm1_med = np.median(dframe['sgm1'])

sgm1_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['sgm1'] - sgm1_med))

print(f'sgm1_med = {sgm1_med:.3f},   sgm1_mad_sd = {sgm1_mad_sd:.3f}')

sgm2_med = np.median(dframe['sgm2'])

sgm2_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['sgm2'] - sgm2_med))

print(f'sgm2_med = {sgm2_med:.3f},   sgm2_mad_sd = {sgm2_mad_sd:.3f}')

r_med = np.median(dframe['r'])

r_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['r'] - r_med))

print(f'r_med = {r_med:.3f},   r_mad_sd = {r_mad_sd:.3f}')



The Stan script is read in and compiled by the following code:


with open('TwoVarNormal.stan', 'r') as f_stan:

        sm = stan.build(f_stan.read(), data=stan_data)


MCMC sampling is run by the code:


fit = sm.sample()


To analyze the MCMC sample, the result fit by sm.sample() is transformed to InferenceData and DataFrame class objects as follows:


infdata = az.from_pystan(posterior = fit, posterior_model = sm)




dframe = fit.to_frame()


Statistics of MCMC sample are calculated and shown by the following script:


summary = az.summary(infdata,var_names=['mu1', 'mu2',  'sgm1', 'sgm2', 'r'])

print('\nSummary...\n', summary)


We get the following output on the terminal display.



          mean     sd   hdi_3%  hdi_97%  mcse_mean  mcse_sd  ess_bulk  ess_tail  r_hat

mu1   203.002  1.969  199.381  206.723      0.031    0.022    3930.0    2854.0    1.0

mu2    99.618  1.033   97.774  101.614      0.017    0.012    3864.0    2748.0    1.0

sgm1   19.435  1.390   16.920   22.125      0.023    0.016    3702.0    3079.0    1.0

sgm2   10.352  0.771    8.980   11.775      0.012    0.009    3975.0    3005.0    1.0

r       0.423  0.082    0.271    0.579      0.001    0.001    4363.0    3016.0    1.0


Trace plot is shown by the following script:


az.plot_trace(infdata, var_names=['mu1', 'mu2',  'sgm1', 'sgm2', 'r'],





We get trace plot like Figure 2:

Figure 2



As statistics which describe posterior distributions, Gelman et al. (2021, p.73) recommend median-based summaries, instead of means and sds.

We calculate the median and the median absolute deviation(MAD), from which mad sd is calculated.

mad sd is given by



Note that



Medians and mad sds are calculated and shown by the following script:


mu1_med = np.median(dframe['mu1'])

mu1_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['mu1'] - mu1_med))

print(f'\nmu1_med = {mu1_med:.3f},   mu1_mad_sd = {mu1_mad_sd:.3f}')

mu2_med = np.median(dframe['mu2'])

mu2_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['mu2'] - mu2_med))

print(f'mu2_med = {mu2_med:.3f},   mu2_mad_sd = {mu2_mad_sd:.3f}')

sgm1_med = np.median(dframe['sgm1'])

sgm1_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['sgm1'] - sgm1_med))

print(f'sgm1_med = {sgm1_med:.3f},   sgm1_mad_sd = {sgm1_mad_sd:.3f}')

sgm2_med = np.median(dframe['sgm2'])

sgm2_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['sgm2'] - sgm2_med))

print(f'sgm2_med = {sgm2_med:.3f},   sgm2_mad_sd = {sgm2_mad_sd:.3f}')

r_med = np.median(dframe['r'])

r_mad_sd = 1.483 * np.median(np.abs(dframe['r'] - r_med))

print(f'r_med = {r_med:.3f},   r_mad_sd = {r_mad_sd:.3f}')



We get these statistics as follows:


mu1_med = 203.015,   mu1_mad_sd = 1.961

mu2_med = 99.664,   mu2_mad_sd = 1.025

sgm1_med = 19.318,   sgm1_mad_sd = 1.330

sgm2_med = 10.289,   sgm2_mad_sd = 0.733

r_med = 0.426,   r_mad_sd = 0.082





Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S., Dunson, D. B., Vehtari, A., & Rubin, D. B. (2014). Bayesian data analysis, third edition. CRC Press.

Gelman, A., Hill, J., & Vehtari A. (2021). Regression and other stories. Cambridge University Press.



