




==============  splitstring.py  =========================

class CSplit:


            Split a string by separators



    def __init__(self, *seps):


                Set separators in the parameter *seps


        self.separators = {' '}         #       Default separator

        if len(seps) > 0:               #       The separators are given

            self.separators = set()

            for v in seps:

                self.separators |= {v}


    def set_string(self, s):


                Set the string s to be splitted


        self.words = []

        if len(s) > 0:

            spos = -1

            epos = 0

            while True:

                while not(s[epos] in self.separators):

                    epos += 1

                    if epos >= len(s):



                self.words.append(s[spos + 1: epos])

                spos = epos

                epos = spos + 1

                if spos == len(s) - 1:



                if spos >= len(s):



        self.nonempty_words = []        #   Select non empty substrings

        for w in self.words:

            if w != "":



    def seek(self, pos):


                Return the pos-th substring


        if pos >= len(self.words):

            return ""


            return self.words[pos]


    def seek_nonempty(self, pos):


                Return the pos-th non empty substring


        if pos >= len(self.nonempty_words):

            return ""


            return self.nonempty_words[pos]



区切り文字は、オブジェクトの生成時にパラメータとしてコンマ , で区切って設定する(次のプログラム例check.py参照)。区切り文字を指定しないときは、空白文字が区切り文字として設定される。




================ check.py  ==========================

from splitstring import *


data = ["",

        "1 2 3",

        "   a bc def",

        "   1,2,3  ",

        "   a, bc   def  "]


MySplit = CSplit()

for str in data:

    print("string: <{}>".format(str))


    for i in range(len(MySplit.words)):

        print("{0}: {1:<5}/{2:5}".format(i, MySplit.seek(i), MySplit.seek_nonempty(i)))



MySplit1 = CSplit(',')

for str in data:

    print("string: <{}>".format(str))


    for i in range(len(MySplit1.words)):

        print("{0}: {1:<5}/{2:5}".format(i, MySplit1.seek(i), MySplit1.seek_nonempty(i)))


MySplit2 = CSplit(',', ' ')

for str in data:

    print("string: <{}>".format(str))


    for i in range(len(MySplit2.words)):

        print("{0}: {1:<5}/{2:5}".format(i, MySplit2.seek(i), MySplit2.seek_nonempty(i)))





Python 3.6.1 (v3.6.1:69c0db5, Mar 21 2017, 17:54:52) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.


============ RESTART: D:\yasuharu\www\LaCoocan\Python\sampleprgs\SplitString\check.py ============

string: <>

string: <1 2 3>

0: 1    /1   

1: 2    /2   

2: 3    /3   

string: <   a bc def>

0:      /a   

1:      /bc  

2:      /def 

3: a    /    

4: bc   /    

5: def  /    

string: <   1,2,3  >

0:      /1,2,3

1:      /    

2:      /    

3: 1,2,3/    

4:      /    

5:      /    

string: <   a, bc   def  >

0:      /a,  

1:      /bc  

2:      /def 

3: a,   /    

4: bc   /    

5:      /    

6:      /    

7: def  /    

8:      /    

9:      /    

string: <>

string: <1 2 3>

0: 1 2 3/1 2 3

string: <   a bc def>

0:    a bc def/   a bc def

string: <   1,2,3  >

0:    1 /   1

1: 2    /2   

2: 3    /3   

string: <   a, bc   def  >

0:    a /   a

1:  bc   def  / bc   def 

string: <>

string: <1 2 3>

0: 1    /1   

1: 2    /2   

2: 3    /3   

string: <   a bc def>

0:      /a   

1:      /bc  

2:      /def 

3: a    /    

4: bc   /    

5: def  /    

string: <   1,2,3  >

0:      /1   

1:      /2   

2:      /3   

3: 1    /    

4: 2    /    

5: 3    /    

6:      /    

7:      /    

string: <   a, bc   def  >

0:      /a   

1:      /bc  

2:      /def 

3: a    /    

4:      /    

5: bc   /    

6:      /    

7:      /     

8: def  /    

9:      /    

10:      /    





