
Preprocessing of Categorical Variables by Common Quantification

2023.11: Revised


Machine learning uses One-Hot-encoding to preprocess categorical variables. One-Hot-encoding constructs dummy variables for each value of categorical variables. On the other hand, common quantification assigns values to categorical values so that variance of the categorical variable with respect to the assigned values becomes (locally) maximum and (locally) maximum information in the categorical variable is obtained (Okamoto, 2015: body of the text is written in English).

Consider the following example of categorical variables (Table 1).



Table 1. Data with a categorical variable CatV.

ID      CatV

A1      alpha

A2      alpha

A3      gamma

A4      alpha

A5      alpha

B1      alpha

B2      alpha

B3      alpha

B4      gamma

C1      beta

C2      beta

C3      gamma

C4      beta

D1      beta

D2      beta

D3      beta

D4      gamma



Categorical variables can be given numerical values by the proposed quantification. For example, in Table 1, quantification, by which categories alpha, beta, and gamma are given numerical values, , and , respectively, is represented by the following equation.

Quantification values s can be given by the following way:


then we have

is called an indicator matrix.


then we have

Under the condition

we seek the , which maximizes variance

This can be given as an eigen vector  in the following spectral decomposition equation

where matrix is the centered matrix of


When  and  are solution for eq. (1), then  and  are also solution for eq. (1). Hence, when we calculate quantification, we may get weights, which are sign inverted. Both weights are correct ones.


For detailes about the quantification, see Okamoto (2015), the body of which is written in English.


Programs and sample data files are archived into commonqfiles.zip. The programs and data files in the archived file commonqfiles.zip can be freely used by the reader.

In the following, How to use the program, Example1 (PCA and regression analysis) and Example 2  (PCA and cross tabulation) of the application are presented.



How to use the program


The main script, which is shown in Listing 1, calls the function common_q of mymodule.py, which is shown in Listing 2. Listings 1 and 2 are shown at the end of the website.


To run the program, execute the command


PS D:\******\commonqfiles> python MainCommonQ.py


When the program starts, the input data file name is asked


PS D:\******\commonqfiles> python MainCommonQ.py

Data File Name (*.xlsx) =


The input data file is an Excel file, as shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1   File name: Data.xlsx


In the first row, variable names are set. The second row indicates how to process the values of each variable. 0 indicates no transformation, 1 means that standardization of the variable will be done, and integer K larger than 1 means that the number of categories of that variable is K and quantification of the variable is required. Data values are set from the third row.

Set an input Excel data file name. If you use the file shown in Figure 1.1, set as follows:


Data File Name (*.xlsx) = Data.xlsx


After the input data file name is set, the program processes the data. When the program ends, the terminal shows messages like the following:



PS D:******\commonqfiles> python .\MainCommonQ.py

Data File Name (*.xlsx) = Data.xlsx

ndata =  17

nvar =  6

indx =

 ['GrpID' 'ID' 'Score' 'Attr.' 'CA' 'CB']

cndtn =

 [0 0 0 1 3 3]


Quantified Data was saved in cq_Data.xlsx


Log file = q_Data.txt


PS D:******\commonqfiles>



The quantified data was saved as an Excel file of the file name with prefix gcq_h to the input data file name.

Open this file, you can see the one shown in Figure 1.2 in the case of the input data file shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.2  Processed file: cq_Data.xlsx


Compare Figure 1.2 with Figure 1.1. Standardized variable Attr is given the name Attr_z with suffix to the variable name. Quantified variables CA and CB have prefix gq_h, each of which has suffix like g_ih. The suffix g_ih is added to the i-th quantification variable with i starting from 0.

Open the log file, q_Data.txt, the name of which is shown in the terminal after the program ended. The name of the log file is one with the prefix gq_h to the input data file name, and the file extension is replaced by g.txth.

In the log file, you can see the values of weights for quantification as follows:



Data file = Data.xlsx


Quantification of CA

eigen values = [6.49239444 4.56642909]

Created...q_CA_0   for lambda = 6.4924

                           with omega = 0.74653   -0.65965   -0.08688  

Created...q_CA_1   for lambda = 4.5664

                           with omega = -0.33069   -0.48117   0.81186  


Quantification of CB

eigen values = [6.49239444 4.56642909]

Created...q_CB_0   for lambda = 6.4924

                           with omega = 0.74653   -0.65965   -0.08688  

Created...q_CB_1   for lambda = 4.5664

                           with omega = -0.33069   -0.48117   0.81186  


Output file = cq_Data.xlsx




Example 1. Categorical variable and continuous variable


Data in Figure 2.1 is hypothetical data, with variables DataID, species, and p_length.

Figure 2.1 Hypothetical data.


To prepare for quantification of the categorical variable species, categories Virginia, versicolor, and setosa are replaced by integers 1, 2, and 3. The quantification program assumes that categorical variable takes an integer value from 1 to K when the number of categories is K. Correspondence between the category and an integer is arbitrary, that is, categories are considered in the nominal scale.

Figure 2.2 Data file for quantification


Quantification of the data in Figure 2.2 gives the results shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 Quantification of the data in Figure 2.2


Content of the log file is as follows:



Data file = Data_irisK_1.xlsx


Quantification of species

eigen values = [3.6 3. ]

Created...q_species_0   for lambda = 3.6

                           with omega = 0.8165   -0.40825   -0.40825  

Created...q_species_1   for lambda = 3.0

                           with omega = -4.1869e-16   -0.70711   0.70711  


Output file = cq_Data_irisK_1.xlsx



Analyze the three variables, q_species_0, q_species_1, and p_length_z, by principal component analysis (PCA), then we get the results shown in Figure 2.4. PCA may produce a sign inverted solution. Both solutions are correct

Figure 2.4 Result of PCA


We see that q_species_0 and p_length_z have some relationship. Analyze relation of variables q_species_0 and p_length_z by simple regression model, then we get the result shown in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5  Regression analysis


In Figure 2.5, small random fluctuations are added to the horizontal coordinates to avoid overlapping of points.

Quantification q_species_0 represents Virginia, versicolor and setosa by weights 0.8165, -0.40824 and -0.40824 (See the log file shown above). Figure 2.5 shows that p_length_z has larger values for Virginia than for versicolor and setosa.




Exa,ple 2. Two categorical variables


Hypothetical data of eye color and hair color is shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1  Hypothetical data


To quantify categorical data, categories Blue, Brown and Hazel of eye colors are replaced by integers 1, 2, and 3, and Black, Bluenette, and Red are replaced by integers 1, 2, and 3 (Figure 3.2). Quantification program assumes that categorical variable takes an integer value from 1 to K when the number of categories is K. Correspondence between the category and an integer is arbitrary.


Figure 3.2  Data file for quantification


The results of quantification of the data in Figure 3.2 is shown in Figure 3.3.


Figure 3.3  Quantification of the data in Figure 3.2


Content of the log file is as follows:



Data file = Data_ColorK.xlsx


Quantification of Eye

eigen values = [3.88102497 2.31897503]

Created...q_Eye_0   for lambda = 3.881

                           with omega = 0.59554   -0.7815   0.18596  

Created...q_Eye_1   for lambda = 2.319

                           with omega = -0.55856   -0.23647   0.79504  


Quantification of Hair

eigen values = [3.88102497 2.31897503]

Created...q_Hair_0   for lambda = 3.881

                           with omega = -0.18596   -0.59554   0.7815  

Created...q_Hair_1   for lambda = 2.319

                           with omega = -0.79504   0.55856   0.23647  


Output file = cq_Data_ColorK.xlsx



PCA of the quantified data in Figure 3.3 gives the results in Figure 3.4. PCA may produce a sign inverted solution. Both solutions are correct.

Figure 3.4  PCA


Quantifications q_Eye_1 and q_Hair_0 look to be closely related, and q_Eye_0 and q_Hair_1 also look to be closely related.

As an example, consider relation between q_Eye_1 and q_Hair_0.

Construct a cross table of q_Eye_1 and q_Hair_0 by the following script:



import pandas as pd

import numpy as np


with pd.ExcelFile('Data_Color.xlsx') as xlsx:

    data = pd.read_excel(xlsx)


xt = pd.crosstab(np.array(data['Eye']), np.array(data['Hair']),

                 rownames = ['Eye'], colnames = ['Hair'])

print('\nCross Table(DataFrame) =\n', xt)

xt = np.array(xt)

print('\nCross Table(nparray) =\n', xt)


w_eye_1 = [-0.55856, -0.23647, 0.79504]

w_hair_0 = [-0.18596, -0.59554, 0.7815]

idx_eye_1 = np.argsort(w_eye_1)

idx_hair_0 = np.argsort(w_hair_0)

print('\nw_eye_1 =\n', w_eye_1)

print('\nidx_eye_1 =\n', idx_eye_1)

print('w_hair_0 |n', w_hair_0)

print('idx_hair_0 =\n', idx_hair_0)

s_xt = xt[idx_eye_1][:,idx_hair_0]

print('\nRearranged Cross Table =\n', s_xt)



Run the script, then the following output is displayed on the terminal



Cross Table(DataFrame) =

 Hair   Black  Bluenette  Red


Blue       0          3    0

Brown      2          0    3

Hazel      0          0    2


Cross Table(nparray) =

 [[0 3 0]

 [2 0 3]

 [0 0 2]]


w_eye_1 =

 [-0.55856, -0.23647, 0.79504]


idx_eye_1 =

 [0 1 2]

w_hair_0 |n [-0.18596, -0.59554, 0.7815]

idx_hair_0 =

 [1 0 2]


Rearranged Cross Table =

 [[3 0 0]

 [0 2 3]

 [0 0 2]]




Rows and Columns of the cross table created by pandas are ordered alphabetically. After rearranging rows and columns according to weights for the variables, the relation between the variables becomes to be seen more clearly.





Okamoto, Y. (2015). A Two-Step Analysis with Common Quantification of Categorical Data. Japan Womenfs University Journal: Faculty of Integrated Arts and Social Sciences, 26, 99-112 (Body of the text is written in English).




Listing 1  Main script MainCommonQ.py


import pandas as pd

import scipy.stats as ss

import numpy as np

import mymodule as mm


flnm = input('Data File Name (*.xlsx) = ')


fout_nm = 'q_' + flnm[:-4] + 'txt'

fout = open(fout_nm, 'w')

fout.write('Data file = ' + flnm)


xlsx = pd.ExcelFile(flnm)  

data = pd.read_excel(xlsx)


X = data.values[1:]

ndata = len(X)

print('ndata = ', ndata)


indx = data.columns.values

cndtn = data.values[0]

nvar = len(indx)

print('nvar = ', nvar)

print('indx =\n', indx)

print('cndtn =\n', cndtn)



temp_df = pd.DataFrame()

for i in range(nvar):

    if (cndtn[i] < 0):

        print('condition for var-{} < 0'.format(i))

        raise 'var_cond error.'


        if (cndtn[i] == 0):

            temp_df[indx[i]] = X[:, i]

        elif (cndtn[i] == 1):

            temp_df[indx[i] + '_z'] = ss.zscore([x for x in X[:, i]])


            nq, varnames, qvars = mm.common_q(cndtn[i], indx[i], X[:, i], fout)

            for j in range(nq):

                temp_df[varnames[j]] = qvars[j]



with  pd.ExcelWriter('cq_' + flnm) as xl_writer:

    temp_df.to_excel(xl_writer, index = False)

print('\nQuantified Data was saved in ' + 'cq_' + flnm)

fout.write('\n\nOutput file = ' + 'cq_' + flnm)



print('\nLog file = ' + fout_nm + '\n')




Listing 2  Module mymodule.py


import numpy as np

import scipy as sc


def common_q(K, vname, X, fout):

    fout.write('\n\nQuantification of {}'.format(vname))

    nq = K - 1

    n = len(X)

    G = np.zeros((n, K))

    for i in range(n):

        G[i, X[i] - 1] = 1.0

    f = G.sum(axis = 0)

    for k in range(K):

        if f[k] == 0:

            print('Category-{0} of variable {1} is not used.'.format(k+1, vname))

            fout.write('\n\nCategory-{0} of variable {1} is not used.'.format(k+1, vname))


            raise Exception('Category Error !')

    One_n = np.ones((n, 1))

    f = np.reshape(f, (1, K))

    H = G - One_n @ f / n


    HpH = H.T @ H


    wt, vctr = np.linalg.eig(HpH)

    ck_idx = np.abs(wt) > 1.0e-7

    wt = wt[ck_idx]

    vctr = vctr[:, ck_idx]

    idx = np.argsort(-wt)

    wt = wt[idx]

    vctr = vctr.T[idx].T

    fout.write('\neigen values = {}'.format(wt))


    nq = len(wt)  

    qnames = []

    qvars = []

    for h in range(nq): #K - 1):

        qnames.append('q_' + vname + '_{}'.format(h))

        z = H @ np.reshape(vctr[:,h], (K, 1)) / ((wt[h]/n) ** 0.5)


        fout.write('\nCreated...{0:s}   for lambda = {1:.5}\n'.format(qnames[-1], wt[h]))

        fout.write('                           with omega = ')

        for j in range(K):

            fout.write('{0:.5}   '.format(vctr[j][h]))


    return nq, qnames, qvars


