
Models and Programs for Coefficients of Reliability of a Test of Ordinal Categorical Items

Yasuharu Okamoto


These programs calculate the coefficient of reliability for ordinal categorical (polytomous) items, which indicates strength of the relationship of observed scores and true values (Okamoto, 2016). There are two ways of thinking about true values. In this website, true values are with respect to the concept that is measured. The other way is to think true values as averages of observed scores, i.e. averages of categorical values. However, psychological scales are used to measure concepts, that is, the purpose of measurement is not to estimate expectations of categorical scores, but to infer true values with respect to the concept.

Okamoto (2016) showed that other current coefficients, e.g. alpha coefficient, tend to overestimate relationship of observed scores and true values.


This document (Adobe PDF) explains how to use the program.

The files of the programs are archived in this file (*.ZIP).



Let  be an unobserved continuous value on item  of a person. A single factor model for  is set as follows: (Equation numbers follow those in Okamoto (2016))

where  is a common factor with the standard normal distribution of a person,  is a factor loading,  is a position parameter, and  is an error that has normal distribution with mean 0 and variance .

The observed response  on item , based on , is made according to the rule

where s are category boundaries for response , and

An observed score  can be obtained as the sum of s, that is,

Reliability coefficient , which denotes a test’s precision as coefficient  for underlying latent variables s, is proposed by Okamoto (2013). That is,  is given by

Coefficient alpha  is also calculated for ordinal categorical items as follows:

A parallel test  of  is represented as follows:

In this study, the reliability coefficient defined by the correlation coefficient of parallel tests  and  is denoted by :

Set the following regression equation

The reliability coefficient as predictive power, denoted by  in this study, is given by

 gives the coefficient of reliability, that indicates strength of the relationship of observed score  and true value .

The difference  indicates the loss of information by categorization (discretization).


Constraints to identify parameter values

Items with More than Two Categories


Then, we have

Equation 12 implies that an origin and a unit of the scale are arbitrary. For the origin and the unit, Okamoto (2013) sets

Binary Items

For binary items, Constraint 14 cannot be employed, because a single category boundary  bisects the continuum of the latent variable . In the case of binary items, Equation 12 becomes

Because of arbitrariness of origin, set

then we have


and then probabilities for binary items can be given by parameters s and s, instead of s, s, and s. That is, for binary items, the unit for each item  is set so that , and the origin is set so that . Hence, we can estimate reliability coefficients , , or  for binary items. But, reliability coefficient  cannot be calculated from these parameters because item s do not have the same common unit.

Note that




The formulae used to calculate , , and

First, we have

because, by assumption,

We have

By definition of expectation,

We have

where  is the standard normal distribution function and  is the cumulative distribution function of .

It is assumed that

We have

For the terms in Equation A.5, we have


We have

Note that Equation A.8 assumes .



The numerator of Equation A.1 can be given as

Using Equations A.1 to A.9, can be calculated with parameter values s, s, s and s.


By definition,  is given by

where  is a parallel test of .

We have


Probability  is given by

Note that since  is a parallel test of ,  might be equal to , but in Equation A.8, we assume that .

 can be calculated by Equations A.2, A.3, A.10, A.11, A.12, and A.13.


Coefficient  is given by

We have

The two terms of Equation A.15 can be calculated as follows:


Hence, coefficient  can be calculated by Equations A.2, A.14, A.15, A.16, and A.17.




