
5 効果量と検定力



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図1 効果量δと検定力




リスト1 効果量δと検定力を関係を調べるPythonスクリプト例(s5_effect_size_delta.py



#           アルゴリズム5.1.1によるシミュレーション


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

import scipy.stats as ss


NSamples = 10_000

L_MNs = [5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500]

L_deltas = [0.2, 0.5, 0.8]

v_alpha = 0.05

powers = np.empty((len(L_deltas), len(L_MNs)))

for i_delta, v_delta in enumerate(L_deltas):

    for j_M, M in enumerate(L_MNs):

        N = M

        df = M + N - 2

        t_a = ss.t.ppf(0.95, df)                   #   限界値

        count, i = 0, 1                            #   初期化

        while True:

            v1 = ss.norm.rvs(loc = v_delta * ((M * N) / (M + N)) ** 0.5, scale = 1)

            v2 = ss.chi2.rvs(df)

            t_v = v1 / ((v2 / df) ** 0.5)

            if t_a < t_v:                          #   有意?

                count += 1

            i += 1

            if i > NSamples:                       #   設定条件でのシミュレーション終了?


        print('i_delta =', i_delta, '   delta =', v_delta, '   j_M =', j_M, '  M = N =', M)

        print('Power =', count / NSamples)

        powers[i_delta][j_M] = count / NSamples    #   検定力のシミュレーション推定値


print('Powers =\n', powers)


#         シミュレーション結果の描画


v_log_x = np.log(L_MNs)

L_log_x = ['{}'.format(v) for v in L_MNs]

for j in range(len(L_deltas)):

    plt.plot(v_log_x, powers[j], label = '$\delta$ = {}'.format(L_deltas[j]))

plt.xticks(v_log_x, L_log_x)

plt.xlabel('M = N', fontsize = 16)

plt.yticks([0, 0.5, 0.95, 1])

plt.ylabel('Power', fontsize = 16)

plt.hlines(1.0, np.log(5), np.log(500), lw = 1)

plt.hlines(0.95, np.log(5), np.log(500), lw = 1)

plt.hlines(0.5, np.log(5), np.log(500), lw = 1)

plt.hlines(0, np.log(5), np.log(500), lw = 1)

plt.legend(loc = 'lower right')

plt.title('Effect Size $\delta$, Sample Size M, and Power', fontsize = 18)








図2 効果量と検定力の関係




リスト2 効果量と検定力の関係を調べるシミュレーションスクリプト(s5_effect_size_f.py



#        アルゴリズム5.2.1によるシミュレーション


import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import scipy.stats as ss


NSamples = 10_000

L_Ns = [5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500]

L_f = [0.1, 0.25, 0.40] 

v_alpha = 0.05                                #   有意水準

a = 3                                         #   3水準


powers = np.empty((len(L_f), len(L_Ns)))

for i_f, v_f in enumerate(L_f):

    for j_N, N in enumerate(L_Ns):

        df_A = a - 1

        df_S_A = a * (N -1)

        lmbd = a * N * (v_f ** 2)              #   lambdaの値

        F_a = ss.f.ppf(0.95, df_A, df_S_A)     #   限界値 


        count, i = 0, 1                        #   初期値設定

        while True:

            v1 = ss.ncx2.rvs(df_A, lmbd) 

            v2 = ss.chi2.rvs(df_S_A) 

            F_v = (v1/df_A) / (v2/df_S_A) 

            if F_a < F_v:                       #   有意?

                count += 1

            i += 1

            if i > NSamples:                    #   設定条件でのシミュレーション終了?


        power = count / NSamples                #   検定力

        powers[i_f][j_N] = power


        print('i_f =', i_f, '   j_N =', j_N)

        print('power = ', power)


for i in range(len(L_f)):



#         シミュレーション結果のグラフ描画


v_log_x = np.log(L_Ns)

L_log_x = ['{}'.format(v) for v in L_Ns]

for j in range(len(L_f)):

    plt.plot(v_log_x, powers[j], label = 'f = {}'.format(L_f[j]))

plt.xticks(v_log_x, L_log_x)

plt.xlabel('N', fontsize = 16)

plt.yticks([0, 0.5, 0.95, 1])

plt.ylabel('Power', fontsize = 16)

plt.hlines(1.0, np.log(5), np.log(500), lw = 1)

plt.hlines(0.95, np.log(5), np.log(500), lw = 1)

plt.hlines(0.5, np.log(5), np.log(500), lw = 1)

plt.hlines(0, np.log(5), np.log(500), lw = 1)

plt.legend(loc = 'lower right')

plt.title('Effect Size f, Sample Size N, and Power', fontsize = 18)




